Promoting confidence with extra curricular activities

We encourage children to pursue their own interests and hobbies whilst at The Beeches

The Beeches promotes a wide range of activities such as:

  • Music
  • Swimming
  • Horse-riding
  • Bike-riding
  • Caring for animals

Children discuss their activities during weekly meetings where they are able to express their likes / dislikes and make suggestions.
Many of the children at The Beeches attend after school clubs.

Some of these clubs are designed to promote confidence and self esteem whilst teaching the children the necessary life skills to enable them to become more independent in areas such as: cooking, gardening and simple household chores (setting the table, washing up etc.)

Educational Physical Sensory Life Skills
Puzzles / Scrabble Disco Night Garden Spending Pocket Money
Visiting Library Walking Messy Play Camping
Visiting local Areas of Interest Pitch and Putt Visiting Petting Zoo Meals Out
Board Games Garden – Free Play Sensory / Quiet Room Food Preparation / Cooking