window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-197023232-2');

Steps for Refugees

Steps for Refugees – Join our Challenge to Help Afghan Refugees The Beeches are stepping up this October to raise funds for The Refugee Council who have an urgent crisis appeal to help Afghan refugees currently resettling in the UK. We have set up our Steps for Refugees challenge to help provide life-changing services for [...]

Steps for Refugees

Sports Day

Sports Day at The Beeches Independent Special School On Friday 2nd July 2021 it was Sports Day at our Independent Special School. As per tradition, the day was highly anticipated by all, with children and staff eagerly looking forward to taking part in races ranging from the 100-metre sprint, through to the sack race, [...]

Sports Day

Boxing Challenge

Boxing Challenge at The Beeches In April, all our semi-independent living homes in Peterborough were invited to take part in a boxing challenge hosted by our Sports Coach, Sanket. All homes were provided with full boxing equipment including boxing gloves, pads and punching bags. Young people were enthusiastic about taking part and the challenge [...]

Boxing Challenge
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